
  • Consultancy activity for the design and the data analysis of clinical studies on devices for CE marking and FDA apaproval.

Software products

  • Developer of the optimization algorithm that supports planning at Compass Care LLC, Stamford, CT, US.
  • Developer of the optimization algorithm contained in TPS 3.0.
    TPS Solutions
  • Developer of the optimization tool for assigning workloads to operators under continuity of care and stochastic demands,
    for one of the largest Italian public home care providers.
    ASL Lecco
  • Developer of Bee@home: human resource planner for home care service for Bee Value Srl.
    This was a consultancy and technology transfer company, with an according partnership with CNR-IMATI
    (protocol CNR-IMATI no. 781 of April 19, 2013) for the development and the dissemination of optimization algorithms.