Research activities

  • Bioengineering
    The research deals with mathematical models (mainly optimization and stochastic approaches) applied to bioengineering problems, e.g., the study of the cardiovascular fluid-dynamics and the biomedical image analysis. Technological solutions as 3D printing support these activities.

  • Optimization and operations research
    From a theoretical point of view, the research is first focused on robust and stochastic optimization approaches to include data uncertainty in the optimization process. Then, the research is focused on decomposition approaches and meta- and mate-heuristics. Applications are in health care (e.g., home care, blood donation system, ambulance location) and manufacturing industry (scheduling).

  • Stochastic models
    The research is focused on health care and stochastic differential equations, while both Bayesian and frequentist approaches are used from the methodological point of view. The first topic deals with modeling the evolution of patient conditions and demand for care in several health care facilities (e.g., home care, blood donation system, ambulances) to get the uncertainty characterization to be used in the optimization problems. The second topic refers to parameter estimation in complex dynamic systems (e.g., for medical problems) described by ordinary or partial differential equations.