80-XX Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer {For thermodynamics of solids, see 74A15}
80-00 General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.)
80-01 Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.)
80-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles)
80-03 Historical {!must also be assigned at least one classification number from section 01}
80-04 Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming)
80-05 Experimental work
80-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc.
80Axx Thermodynamics and heat transfer
80A05 Foundations
80A10 Classical thermodynamics, including relativistic
80A17 Thermodynamics of continua [See also 74A15]
80A20 Heat and mass transfer, heat flow
80A22 Stefan problems, phase changes, etc. [See also 74Nxx]
80A23 Inverse problems
80A25 Combustion
80A30 Chemical kinetics [See also 76V05, 92C45, 92E20]
80A32 Chemically reacting flows [See also 92C45, 92E20]
80A50 Chemistry (general) [See mainly 92Exx]
80A99 None of the above, but in this section
80Mxx Basic methods
80M10 Finite element methods
80M15 Boundary element methods
80M20 Finite difference methods
80M25 Other numerical methods
80M30 Variational methods
80M35 Asymptotic analysis
80M40 Homogenization
80M50 Optimization
80M99 None of the above, but in this section