\t Algorithms Project's hmpg \a pauillac.inria.fr/algo/ \g proj hmpg \t ATCM = Advanced Technology Council in Mathematics Inc. \a www.atcminc.com/index.shtml \g Cons-hmpg \l SE Asia \d Using technology and the Internet in mathematics learning & research \t Babel Fish Translation \a babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/ \g transl \t Chen, Bill hmpg \a www.billchen.org/ \g pers-hmpg \d Bill Chen's Field of Dreams \k combinatorics \t Collection of Mathematics Web Sites \a users.argonet.co.uk/oundlesch/mlink.html \g URLs \l iCT Training Centre, Oundle School, Peterborough, UK \t Conversion $ Online \a www.onlineconversion.com/ \g prcdr-hmpg \k measurement units \t CTAN = Comprehensive TeX Archive Network \a www.tug.org/ctan.html \d common network archive for TeX software \g arcv-hmpg \t Dictionary of Units \a www.ex.ac.uk/cimt/dictunit/dictunit.htm \g dict \t Dictionary of Units of Measurement \a www.unc.edu/~rowlett/units/index.html \g dict \n by Russ Rowlett \t DocEng 2003 - ACM Symposium on Document Engineering \s Grenoble November 20-22, 2003 \a wam.inrialpes.fr/doceng2003/ \g event-hmpg \t e-Tutor hmpg \a www.e-tutor.com/ \g Co.-hmpg \d e-Tutor is the leading developer and marketer of interactive, Internet-based curriculum for grades K - 12. \t Encyclopedia.com \a www.encyclopedia.com/ \g dict \t Gazzetta ufficiale dell'Unione europea \a eur-op.eu.int/general/it/oj_it.htm \g content hmpg \t Geometer's Sketchpad® Dynamic Geometry® Software Student Edition \a www.keymath.com/store/software/gsp.html \g swpack \t Glossario di Internet Marketing di Lightmysite. \a www.lightmysite.it/glossario/glossario_m.html \g dict \t Haiman, Mark hmpg \a math.berkeley.edu/~mhaiman/ \g pers-hmpg \k combinatorics \t Hyperdictionary \a www.hyperdictionary.com/ \g transl \d educational project to provide free dictionary services to any user \t IMATI hmpg \a www.imati.cnr.it/ \a inst-hmpg \t INRIA = Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique \a www.inria.fr/index.en.html \g inst-hmpg \t JavaSketchpad: Dynamic Geometry® for the Internet \a www.keypress.com/sketchpad/java_gsp/index.html \g content-hmpg \d JavaSketchpad is software that lets you interact with—or publish—sketches from The Geometer's Sketchpad® \t Keymath.com hmpg \a www.keymath.com/ \d Mathematics Resources for Students and Parents \g Company-hmpg \t Knuth, Donald E. \a sunburn.stanford.edu/~knuth/ \g pers-hmpg \k combinatorics, TeX \t LaBRI = Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique \a www.labri.u-bordeaux.fr/ \g inst-hmpg \t LaCIM = Laboratoire de combinatoire et d'informatique mathématique \a www.lacim.uqam.ca/ \g inst-hmpg \k combinatorics \t Logos Multilingual E-translation Portal \a www.logos.it/lang/transl_en.html \g transl-hmpg \t Math Glossary $ MOL = Math On Line \a www.gpc.edu/~lawmol/Dictionary/dictionary.html \g dict-hmpg \t Math History Menu \a doe.ncia.net/~bobmead/historymenu.htm \g content-hmpg \n interactive figures \t MathVoc ENGLISH - FRANÇAIS - ESPAÑOL \a membres.lycos.fr/mathvoc/ \g dict \t Merriam-Webster dictionary \a www.m-w.com/ \g dict-hmpg \t Metric Prefixes \a www.geocities.com/Athens/Thebes/5118/metric.htm \g dict \d from yotta to yocto \t ODP = Open Directory Project \a dmoz.org/ \d Open Directory Project is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web \g proj-hmpg ; directory \t RISC = Research Institute for Symbolic Computation \a www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/ \g inst-hmpg \l Linz Austria \k CAS \t Rota $ The Forbidden City of Gian-Carlo \a www.rota.org/ \g memorial \t Sagan, Bruce Eli hmpg \a www.mth.msu.edu/~sagan/ \g pers-hmpg \k combinatorics \t Scilab Consortium \a scilabsoft.inria.fr/ \d Free scientific software package for numerical computations \g swpack hmpg \t Search Adobe PDF OnLine \a searchpdf.adobe.com/ \g search page \k PDF \t Seach tools in English and in French \a www.usherbrooke.ca/biblio/internet/cherche.htm \g Search engines \t Services Linguistiques Centraux de l'Administration Fédérale Suisse \a www.admin.ch/ch/f/bk/sp/index.html \g inst-hmpg \t Shambles Mathematics \a www.shambles.net/mathematics/ \g URLs \l SE Asia 17 countries \t Sherbrooke University Library services \a www.usherbrooke.ca/biblio/ \g libr-hmpg \l Université de Sherbrooke \t Sherbrooke Library Dictionary urlist \a www.usherbrooke.ca/biblio/internet/dictio/index.htm \g dict-list \l Université de Sherbrooke \t Swarthmore .edu/dictionnaires.html \a clicnet.swarthmore.edu/dictionnaires.html \g dict-list \t TUG = Tex Users Group \a www.tug.org/ \g assn-hmpg \t Wilf, Herbert hmpg \a www.cis.upenn.edu/~wilf/ \g pers-hmpg \k combinatorics \t YDC = Your Dictionary Co. \a www.yourdictionary.com/ \g Co.-hmpg \d The most comprehensive and authoritative portal for language products and services on the web with more than 1800 dictionaries with more than 250 languages. \k languages \t \a \g \t \a \g \t \a \g \t \a \g \t \a \g \t \a \g \t \a \g \t \a \g \t \a \g Abbreviations NewBW = new browser window HQ = head quarter urlist = list of URLs