by Antonio Pievatolo

* denotes an ISBA activity

@ Events

International Workshop on Objective Bayesian Methodology.
June 11-13, 1999. Valencia, Spain. The workshop is sponsored by the Universitat de València for its 500th anniversary. The programme features 17 invited lectures (with discussion) on the following topics: objective priors and frequentist statistics, determination of objective priors in important problems, priors for objective Bayesian testing and model selection, objective priors in nonparametric analysis, the roles of objective Bayesian analysis. The submission of contributed papers for two plenary poster session is encouraged (deadline April,30).


Workshop on Bayesian Nonparametric Statistics. July 23-28, 1999. Reading University, UK. The Workshop is being organised by the Research Section of the Royal Statistic Society and funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Reseach Council (EPSRC). Well-known researchers and leaders in the field have been invited to speak on methods, theory and applications.


MaxEnt '99. August 2-6, 1999. Boise State University, Boise, Idaho. MaxEnt '99 is the Nineteenth International Conference on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods. There is no explicit deadline for sending an abstract.


1999 NBER/NSF Time Series Conference. August 23-25, 1999. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. The deadline for the submission of an abstract is June 1, 1999.


Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics, Workshop 5.  September 24-25, 1999. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The Workshop aims to explore the interplay between statistical theory and practice in the context of concrete and collaborative research projects.

INFO: bayesworkshop/Bayes99.html

@ Internet Resources

* The ISBA Web Page.  We remind you of the ISBA Web Page. It gives information on the ISBA activities, as well as links to Bayesian resources.


* Bayesian Abstract Archive. A searchable interactive archive of abstracts of papers, books, theses, and conference presentations is available at the Institute of Statistics and Decision Sciences at Duke University. The Archive is sponsored by ISBA and SBSS. The Editor of the Archive encourages you to submit your abstracts, so that it becomes a valuable resource to all Bayesians.

URL: http://www.isds.duke. edu/isba-sbss/

Bayesian Model Averaging.  You can browse this document at the web site of AT&T Research. It contains downloadable S-PLUS code that implements BMA for various classes of widely used regression models, a list of papers on BMA and a list of people interested in BMA.


@ Research Opportunities

Fifth Framework Programme.  The Fifth Framework Programme (FP5) sets out the priorities for the European Union's research, technological development and demonstration activities (RTD) for the period 1998-2002, with an agreed budget of 13,700 million Euro.

Four focussed Thematic programmes and three wide ranging Horizontal programmes have been defined. The Thematic Programmes have the following names: ``Quality of life and management of living resources'', ``User-friendly information society'', ``Competitive and sustainable growth'', and ``Energy, environment and sustainable development''.

Calls for proposals for RTD will be issued within each Programme. The first call has been launched last March.

FP5 is open to all legal entities established in the Member States of the EU and in any of the other States associated to the Programme. Participation to ``third countries'' is governed by common conditions which are applied throughout FP5.

FP5's homepage is Some documents are available for download in MS Word 6 or PDF.

@ Awards and Prizes

* Third Mitchell Prize.  The Mitchell Prize is named for Toby J. Mitchell, who made incisive contributions to statistics, especially in biometry and engineering applications.

The Prize will be announced and presented at the August 1999 Joint Statistical Meetings in Baltimore and will be awarded in recognition of an outstanding paper describing how a Bayesian analysis has solved an important applied problem.

Beginning this year, the Prize will be awarded annually under the cosponsorship of the ASA Section on Bayesian Statistical Science (SBSS), the ISBA, and the Mitchell Prize Founders' Committee.

To be eligible for the 1999 Prize, a paper will either have appeared in a refereed journal or refereed conference proceedings since January 1 1997, or be scheduled for future publication in a refereed outlet. Submissions should be received by May 15, 1999.


@ Miscellanea

First Mexico Workshop on Bayesian Statistics. September 9-12, 1998. IIMAS-UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico. This workshop, the first of its kind in Mexico, was held at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and was organised by the Mexican Statistical Association (AME), two Institutes of the UNAM (IIMAS and IMATE), and the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM). The programme consisted of three short courses (Decision Theory, Bayesian Inference, and Computational Methods) and two research sessions, one of which was devoted to applications.

DEBUG.  In September 1998 a German BUGS user group (DEBUG - Deutsche BUGS-User-Gruppe) was founded. The group has the following aims: to provide a forum for exchange of experiences with the program BUGS; to promote exchange of examples; to bundle the interests of the users when repair and further development are discussed; to provide guidance through the literature.

INFO: http://userpage.ukbf.

Workshops on Risk at RSS99. July 12-15, 1999. University of Warwick, Coventry, UK. The deadline for submission of contributed papers at the International Conference of the Royal Statistical Society has passed, however contributions to the scheduled specialized workshop are welcome. Two of these workshops are related to Risk Assesment.

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