Abstracts and other proceedings of international conference

  1. F. Lussana, E. Lanzarone, G. Villa, A. Mastropietro, A. Caroli, E. Scalco.
    Radiomic reliability assessed on anatomical and diffusion MRI in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) patients.
    40th Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB 2024); Abstract 0153.
    Magn Reson Mater Phy 2024; 37: S255-S257; ISSN 1352-8661. ESMRMB DOI AISBERG
  2. R. Damiano, F. Lussana, G. Villa, A. Caroli, E. Lanzarone, E. Scalco.
    The impact of segmentation uncertainty on radiomics reproducibility to segmentation and acquisition variability in kidney MRI.
    40th Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB 2024); Abstract 0173.
    Magn Reson Mater Phy 2024; 37: S292-S293; ISSN 1352-8661. ESMRMB DOI AISBERG
  3. E. Lanzarone, A. Gürsoy, R. Pinto, F. Piccinini, D. Ghezzi, S. Rossini.
    Research perspectives and areas for improvement in the production of blood components from donated units.
    50th Conference on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS 2024). Conference book; 13. ORAHS AISBERG
  4. A. Gürsoy, R. Pinto, F. Piccinini, D. Ghezzi, S. Rossini, E. Lanzarone.
    A scheduling tool for the production of blood components.
    50th Conference on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS 2024). Conference book; 17. ORAHS AISBERG
  5. M. Doneda, P. Smet, G. Carello, E. Lanzarone, G. Vanden Berghe.
    Benchmarking data-driven policies to cope with absenteeism in nurse rostering using simulated predictions.
    50th Conference on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS 2024). Conference book; 33. ORAHS AISBERG
  6. P. Smet, M. Doneda, G. Carello, E. Lanzarone, G. Vanden Berghe.
    Using predictions on employee absenteeism to generate robust personnel rosters.
    33rd European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2024). Conference book; 36. EURO2024 AISBERG
  7. S. Caravita, C. Baratto, A. Filippo, C. Dewachter, G.B. Perego, M. Senni, F. Previdi, S. Paleari, L.P. Badano, M. Fudim, G. Parati, J.L. Vachiery, E. Lanzarone.
    Cluster analysis of advanced invasive hemodynamics in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.
    Heart Failure 2024. Session Chronic heart failure - pathophysiology and mechanisms 4. ESC 365 AISBERG
  8. M. Doneda, P. Smet, G. Carello, E. Lanzarone, G. Vanden Berghe.
    Using simulated machine learning to evaluate robust decision-making policies: an application to hospital staff rostering.
    8th Stochastic Modelling Meeting (STOCHMOD 2024). Conference detailed program; 9. STOCHMOD AISBERG
  9. E. Lanzarone, S. Marconi, D. Duma.
    Scheduling the production of medical 3D-printed devices in hospital.
    5th International Conference on Health Care System Engineering (HCSE 2023). Conference book; 59-60. HCSE AISBERG
  10. V. Brembilla, E. Lanzarone, A. Graniero, N. Villari, M. Parrinello, C. Roscitano, G. Albano, A. Agnino.
    Learning curve for robotic mitral valve repair surgery in a Bergamo hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic: a retrospective study.
    Int J Artif Organs 2023 [special issue on the 49th ESAO congress]; 465; ISSN 0391-3988. ESAO AISBERG
  11. D. Salvi, E. Lanzarone, A. Graniero, N. Villari, M. Parrinello, C. Roscitano, G. Albano, A. Agnino.
    A retrospective study for cost-benefit comparison of robotic and minimally invasive surgery for mitral valve repair.
    Int J Artif Organs 2023 [special issue on the 49th ESAO congress]; 431; ISSN 0391-3988. ESAO AISBERG
  12. E. Lanzarone, S. Marconi, D. Duma.
    A scheduler for in-hospital production of 3D-printed devices for medical use.
    49th Conference on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS 2023). Conference book; 21. ORAHS AISBERG
  13. M. Doneda, E. Lanzarone, A. Barbato, C. Franchi, S. Mandelli, A. Nobili, G. Carello.
    A decision-making tool for the location, districting and dimensioning of Community Houses in Lombardy, Italy.
    49th Conference on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS 2023). Conference book; 11-12 and 13. ORAHS AISBERG
  14. A. Loffredo, N. Frigerio, E. Lanzarone, A. Matta.
    Energy-efficient control in a two-stage production line with parallel machines.
    18th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2022); abstract MoAM7.6. CASE AISBERG
  15. A. Anaya-Arenas, Chiara Mazzanti, V. Bélanger, E. Lanzarone, A. Ruiz.
    Iterative time-decomposition matheuristic for the biomedical sample transportation problem.
    48th Conference on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS 2022). Conference book; 38. ORAHS AISBERG
  16. S. Mattia, T. Bacci, E. Lanzarone, P. Ventura.
    A unified approach for planning home blood donations.
    48th Conference on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS 2022). Conference book; 73-74. ORAHS AISBERG
  17. S. Yalçindağ, E. Lanzarone.
    Integrating short-term and long-term planning problems in home health care systems under continuity of care.
    48th Conference on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS 2022). Conference book; 74. ORAHS AISBERG
  18. M. Doneda, E. Lanzarone, G. Carello.
    Fairness and balancing: a comparison of different modelling techniques in operations research in health care.
    48th Conference on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS 2022). Conference book; 77. ORAHS AISBERG
    Extended version also published in the optional conference proceedings.
  19. R.A.M. Gomes, T.A.M. Toffolo, G. Vanden Berghe, E. Lanzarone.
    An implementor-adversary robust optimization approach for the nurse rostering problem.
    48th Conference on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS 2022). Conference book; 80. ORAHS AISBERG
  20. G. Carello, L. Galperti, E. Lanzarone.
    A robust framework with dynamic reassignments for the home health care nurse-to-patient assignment with continuity of care.
    31st European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2021). Conference book; 20.
    Also selected for the “Fast and Furious lightning talks; Making an Impact, the practitioner stream”. EURO2021 AISBERG
  21. M. Doneda, S. Yalçindağ, I. Marques, E. Lanzarone.
    A discrete-event simulation model for analyzing and improving operations in a blood collection center.
    31st European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2021). Conference book; 41. EURO2021 AISBERG
  22. S. Yalçindağ, M. Doneda, E. Lanzarone, I. Marques.
    An integrated framework for at-home blood collection.
    31st European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2021). Conference book; 41. EURO2021 AISBERG
  23. E. Lanzarone, M. Doneda, S. Yalçindağ.
    A novel paradigm for blood collection from donors: home blood collection.
    47th Conference on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS 2021). Conference book; 37. ORAHS AISBERG
  24. E. Lanzarone, S. Yalçindağ, I. Marques.
    An integrated framework to combine blood collection planning and inventory management.
    46th Conference on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS 2020). Conference book; 26. ORAHS AISBERG
  25. E. Lanzarone, E. Galluccio, V. Bélanger, V. Nicoletta, A. Ruiz.
    A recursive simulation-optimization tool to estimate the busy fractions in the ambulance location and dispatching problem.
    44th Conference on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS 2018). Conference book; 26. ORAHS AISBERG
  26. S. Baş Güre, G. Carello, E. Lanzarone, S. Yalçindağ.
    Appointment scheduling for the blood collection process: a two-stage framework to balance the production of blood units.
    44th Conference on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS 2018). Conference book; 27. ORAHS AISBERG
  27. V. Bélanger, F. Regis-Hernández, E. Lanzarone, A. Ruiz.
    A multi-criteria districting approach for ambulance fleet management.
    44th Conference on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS 2018). Conference book; 34. ORAHS AISBERG
  28. M. Conti, H.W.L. de Beaufort, F.J.H. Nauta, S. Marconi, E. Lanzarone, J.A. van Herwaarden, F.L. Moll, S. Trimarchi, F. Auricchio.
    The impact of thoracic endovascular repair on the aortic biomechanics.
    8th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB 2018), Contribution O1972. WCB2018 AISBERG
  29. M. Toschi, A.M. Anaya-Arenas, E. Lanzarone, V. Bélanger, A. Ruiz.
    A matheuristic for the biomedical sample transportation problem with interdependent pickups.
    7th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics (ODYSSEUS 2018), Conference book, TH3b. ODYSSEUS2018 AISBERG
  30. C. Bianchi, E. Lanzarone, G. Casagrande, M.L. Costantino.
    Bayesian identification of patient-specific parameters in a dialysis kinetic model.
    Int J Artif Organs 2017 [special issue on the 44th ESAO congress]; 40(8):400; ISSN 0391-3988. ESAO
  31. S. Yalçindağ, N. Lahrichi, E. Lanzarone.
    Comparison between alternative decomposition methods to solve the assignment and routing problems in home health care.
    43rd Conference on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS 2017). Conference book; 52-3. ORAHS
  32. V. Nicoletta, V. Bélanger, E. Lanzarone, A. Ruiz.
    Optimization methods to handle uncertainty in healthcare location-allocation problems: a literature review.
    43rd Conference on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS 2017). Conference book; 25. ORAHS
  33. G. Carello, E. Lanzarone, D. Laricini, M. Servilio.
    An implementor-adversary approach for the nurse-to-patient assignment problem in home care with uncertain and time-related demands.
    42nd Conference on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS 2016). Conference book; 52-3. ORAHS
  34. N. Lahrichi, E. Lanzarone, S. Yalçindağ.
    A new decomposition approach for solving the assignment and routing problems in home health care.
    42nd Conference on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS 2016). Conference book; 134. ORAHS
  35. S. Pasquali, E. Lanzarone, G. Gilioli, E. Marchesini.
    How Bayesian inference can help winegrowers?
    48èmes Journées de Statistique de la SFdS, ENBIS session. JDS2016
  36. V. Bélanger, E. Lanzarone, A. Ruiz, P. Soriano.
    The ambulance relocation and dispatching problem.
    27th Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS 27th). Abstract code 065-0736. POMS27th
  37. C. Bianchi, E. Lanzarone, G. Pontoriero, C. Schoenholzer, G. Casagrande, M.L. Costantino.
    A new method to personalize dialysis therapy.
    Int J Artif Organs 2015 [special issue on the 42nd ESAO congress]; 38(7):387 and 38(9):522; ISSN 0391-3988. ESAO
  38. V. Bélanger, E. Lanzarone, A. Ruiz, P. Soriano.
    A matheuristic decomposition approach to solve the dynamic ambulance relocation and preassignment problem.
    41st Conference on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS 2015). Conference book; 40. ORAHS
  39. S. Baş, G. Carello, E. Lanzarone, Z. Ocak, S. Yalçindağ.
    Balancing the production of blood bags from donation through appointment scheduling.
    41st Conference on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS 2015). Conference book; 21. ORAHS
  40. I. Bianchini, R. Argiento, E. Lanzarone.
    Two Bayesian approaches to estimate aortic stiffness from patient-specific CTA images.
    7th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (ERCIM 2014). Abstract book; 134. ERCIM2014
  41. E. Lanzarone, G. Carello, S. Mattia.
    Different perspectives and goals in home care planning.
    40th Conference on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS 2014). Conference book; 65. ORAHS
  42. G. Casagrande, C. Bianchi, E. Lanzarone, M.L. Costantino.
    Prediction of single patient response during dialysis: Bayesian estimation of patient-specific parameters and latent state variables.
    60th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Artificial Internal Organs (ASAIO 2014). Abstract book; no. 147; pag. 112. ASAIO
  43. E. Lanzarone, C. Masclet, F. Noël.
    Agility in home-care replanning through co-operation with graphical metaphors.
    5th Joint Virtual Reality Conference (JVRC 2013). Industrial session 2. JVRC2013
  44. E. Lanzarone, L. Martín-Fernández, A. Pievatolo, F. Ruggeri.
    Stochastic modelling of a shredding process for PCB recycling.
    Joint Meeting of Young Business and Industrial Statisticians (y-BIS 2013). Invited session. Abstract book; 55. y-BIS2013
  45. A. Pievatolo, E. Lanzarone, L. Martín-Fernández, F. Ruggeri.
    Design and analysis of electrospinning experiments.
    Thirteenth annual conference of the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS-13). Abstract book; 43. ENBIS-13
  46. R. Argiento, A. Guglielmi, E. Lanzarone, I. Nawajah.
    Bayesian analysis and prediction of patients' demands for visits in home health care.
    Thirteenth annual conference of the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS-13). Abstract book; 77. ENBIS-13
  47. I. Nawajah, R. Argiento, A. Guglielmi, E. Lanzarone.
    A Bayesian approach for modeling patient's demand and hidden health status: an application to home care.
    Conference on Complex Data Modeling and Computationally Intensive Statistical Methods for Estimation and Prediction (S.Co.2013).
    Contributed poster; ISBN 97888-6493-019-0. S.Co.2013 AISBERG
  48. L. Martín-Fernández, G. Gilioli, E. Lanzarone, J. Míguez, S. Pasquali, F. Ruggeri, D.P. Ruiz.
    Functional response estimation and population tracking in a Lotka-Volterra system using a Bayesian filtering technique.
    Eighth Workshop on Bayesian Inference in Stochastic Processes (BISP8). Contributed poster BISP8.33. BISP8
  49. I. Nawajah, A. Guglielmi, E. Lanzarone, R. Argiento.
    Bayesian analysis of home health care longitudinal count data.
    Eighth Workshop on Bayesian Inference in Stochastic Processes (BISP8). Contributed poster BISP8.36. BISP8
  50. E. Lanzarone, A. Matta.
    Stochastic assignment of patients in home care services.
    INFORMS Healthcare 2011. Abstract book; 28. INFORMShealthcare
  51. E. Lanzarone, A. Matta.
    Analysis of a patient-nurse assignment policy in home care services.
    Actes de 5th Conférence Francophone Gestion et Ingénierie des SystèmEs Hospitaliers (GISEH 2010); no. 30. GISEH
  52. G. Faggian, E. Lanzarone, F. Gelmini, A. Carcereri de Prati, M. Tessari, T. Menon, H. Suzuki, M. Carini, R. Fumero, G.B. Luciani, M.L. Costantino.
    Endothelium NO release during cardiac surgery: comparison between continuous and pulsatile flow cardiopulmonary bypass.
    Artif Organs 2009 [abstracts of the Conference]; 33(5):A75-6; ISSN 0160-564X. Journal
    Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Pediatric Mechanical Circulatory Support Systems & Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Perfusion 2009; 5:108. Proceedings
  53. E. Lanzarone, F. Gelmini, A. Fumero, O. Alfieri, M. Tessari, T. Menon, M. Carini, H. Suzuki, G. Faggian, M.L. Costantino, R. Fumero.
    Endothelial NO release and vasodilatation under continuous or pulsatile CPB: modellistic study and clinical investigation.
    Int J Artif Organs 2008 [special issue on the 35th ESAO congress]; 31(7):607; ISSN 0391-3988. ESAO
  54. E. Lanzarone, A. Fumero, F. Gelmini, M. Orioli, M. D'Arienzo, R. Scotti, G. Aldini, F. Morazzoni, M. Carini, M.L. Costantino, R. Fumero.
    Endothelium-derived nitric oxide production during cardiovascular surgery: comparison between continuous cardiopulmonary bypass and beating heart surgery.
    Int J Artif Organs 2007 [special issue on the 34th ESAO congress]; 30(8):734; ISSN 0391-3988. ESAO
  55. F. Aletti, E. Lanzarone, M.L. Costantino, G. Baselli.
    Effects of pulsatility on apparent peripheral resistance with edema.
    Biomed Tech 2006 [special issue of ESGCO conference and meeting]; 51(4):A8; ISSN 0013-5585. Journal
    Proceedings of ESGCO 2006; 264-5.
  56. E. Lanzarone, G. Baselli, R. Fumero, M.L. Costantino.
    Model of arterial and peripheral circulation with local regulation and filtration through capillary membrane for the study of vasomotion and assisted circulation.
    Int J Artif Organs 2005 [special issue on the 32nd ESAO congress]; 28(9):921; ISSN 0391-3988. ESAO