Baltimore  (USA) 8 -- 12 August 1999

            Special Contributed Papers Session on 

                      BAYESIAN NONPARAMETRICS

Organiser :  Fabrizio   Ruggeri       (CNR-IAMI, Milano, Italy)

Chair     :  Lynn Eberly              (University of Minnesota, USA)        

Lectures  1) Cinzia     Carota        (Universita' di Torino, Italy)
             ``Some results on Bayes Factors in a nonparametric context''

          2) Alessandra Guglielmi(*)  (CNR-IAMI, Milano, Italy) and
             James      Berger        (Duke University, USA)
             ``A Bayes factor of a parametric model to nonparametric 

          3) Steven     MacEachern    (Ohio State University)
             ``Correlated Nonparametric Processes''

          4) Susan      Paddock(*)    (Duke University, USA),
             Mike       West          (Duke University, USA) and
             Fabrizio   Ruggeri       (CNR-IAMI, Milano, Italy) 
             ``Randomized Polya Trees: Bayesian Nonparametrics for 
               Multivariate Data Exploration ''

          5) Fabrizio   Ruggeri       (CNR-IAMI, Milano, Italy) 
             ``On a Bayesian nonparametric interpretation of the 
               Kolmogorov-Smirnov test''

(*) denotes the speaker

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